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Scholarship in China Fact


Before writing this article, we had a survey of students’ quires. We faced similar questions more than a hundred times a year. That’s why we decided to write on this topic “100% Unconditional Scholarship in China”. Most of the students want to have 100% scholarship in China or unconditional scholarship in China but what does unconditional scholarship mean?

When we asked a few students, what’s your understanding of 100% unconditional scholarship? Then we got a different reply on this question. For example, 100% confirm scholarship, full scholarship for four years, a full scholarship and no condition on scholarship, etc. We explained to them about all these issues and the fact of unconditional scholarship, but every year we get the same question again and again from different students. The source of this type of words “100% confirmation or unconditional scholarship” have been made by few agencies to promote their offers and attract students to get their service. Without having perfect knowledge and the better understanding of the Chinese education system and scholarship, they made that kind of advertising to gain students’ trust but at the end of day students loss their money and time.

The fact of 100% unconditional scholarship in China

Please read it carefully..

The best scholarship in China considers as “Chinese Government Scholarship,” what is also a conditional scholarship. In the last ten years, more than 1000 students lost their CSC (China Scholarship Council) scholarship because of disobeying Chinese Government Law and University Rules Regulation. If you don’t attend classes and don’t study well, then no scholarship will be sustainable. Every year CSC has an annual review, and universities send a report to the CSC about their students’ activity.

In short, the best scholarship in China isn’t unconditional. So don’t expect, any other scholarship will be unconditional for you. University scholarships are in university’s hand. For any reason (Like study, attendance, behavior, rules, and regulation, etc.) the university can cancel your scholarship. So, no matter you are a student of CSC or university scholarship student – nothing is unconditional.

If anyone tells you about unconditional scholarship then either he wants to cheat with you or he is talking without having proper information.

100% Confirmed Unconditional Scholarships in China!!

Is there any scholarship confirmed? The correct answer is NO.

When we (consulting company) co-operate with any university, then university gives our students more priority for scholarship, but university teacher never gives us a 100% confirmation when a university is not giving us endorsement then how an agency or consulting company gives you (students) 100% confirmation!

If you don’t have a good result, then no education agency can assist you to get a scholarship.

Q: Sometimes some students complain, they had a good result but didn’t get a scholarship whereas his friend got a scholarship in a poor result. Why?

Well, a university is independent to take their decision, no agency can influence their decision. Although you will get some agency, who will talk with you like – “we control university, we are everything in this or that university, without us, you will not get admission and so many things.”

Fact – University isn’t any agencies’ or individual’s property. Some agency made that kind of conversation to make you afraid, and they want you to take their service. Their business is with your fear. Some average or low ranking university has sole agent contract with any agency but remember that no top-ranked university does any sole agent contract with any agency.

Sometimes it may happen, although one student had a poor result, his documentation like research proposal or study plan had been written better, or professor liked it more than a good scorer. Either you have a good result or not you have to be careful with your documents.

Q: Can we assist students to write a study plan or research proposal?

It’s a funny question we faced several times. One student is applying for Ph.D. or masters in engineering major, and they want us to write their research proposal, Omg…

Well, we are from a different educational background. So it’s not possible for anyone to write your study plan or research proposal. & Which topic you want to study or interested to do in your future research, you know it better. So, no one can assist you with that. Please spend more time to write your research proposal or study plan.

No education agency can assist you with that. Your preparation can assist you more than anyone else.

Q: My result is below 60%, May I get a scholarship in Chinese top-ranked university?

Chinese Universities passing mark is 60%, If you have less than 60% (A-), then it will be tough to get admission in good universities in China.& Whereas It’ll be difficult to get admission then nothing to talk about scholarship.

Q: One agency told me, although I’ve less than 60% I can get confirm scholarship in top-ranked university in China. Is it true?

Well, we are not against any agency but talking about the fact and reality to study in China. First of all, you have to understand, what’s considered as the top-ranked university in China.

According to QS world ranking, Chinese 11 universities ranked in the top 100 and 39 universities got ranked in world 1000 top-ranked university. Most of the top-ranked universities in China don’t provide English taught bachelor programs, besides those top-ranked universities have quite high requirements. Students should have a good result with a good score of SAT/ IELTS / TOEFL.

If you have a poor result and anyone tells you, it’s possible to get admission and scholarship in top-ranked university then you will be cheated by them. They will take your advantages; you even don’t have an idea about the top-ranked university in China. When you go to China then you will get to know, your university is very low ranked one.

Most of the average and low ranked universities provide scholarships in China, but there is no confirmation of scholarship. It’s an award; no one can sell it.

Always remember that nothing is confirmed and no one can give you a guarantee for scholarship, admission or visa. We are serving from the last three years; we always made it clear and we never provide any confirmation but Alhumdulilah, we have a 99% success rate. Last year some agencies misguided lots of students to say 100% full scholarship and confirmed scholarship, but none of their students get the even partial scholarship. So be aware of that kind of lucrative words.

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